What is Research?
Research is a human activity based on intellectual investigation and aimed at discovering, interpreting, and revising human knowledge on different aspects of the world. It is also a scientific investigation of phenomena which includes the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that link man's speculation with reality. Research is a careful explanation to discover new information or relationship and to expand and verify existing knowledge.
Why is Research Important?
Research provides basis for an appropriate action. It gives concrete information for making a decision. Research is systematic when it follows steps or stages that begin with the identification of the problem relating of the problem with existing theories, collection of data, analysis and interpretation of these data, drawing of conclusions and integration of these conclusions into stream of knowledge. Research is controlled unlike ordinary problem solving which may be done cursorily. Scientific research is so planned every step of the way that fancy and guess work do not set in. he is defined thoroughly variables identified and selected. Instruments are carefully selected or constructed and conclusions drawn only from the data yield. Consequently, recommendations are based on the findings and conclusions.
Everything is so controlled that any observer of the investigation will develop full confidence in the results. Hence, due to the control employed in the research, exact and precise outcomes are expected.